
東北外語学園 東北外語観光専門学校

1. 担当科目・職務


2. 応募資格


3. 募集人員


4. 雇用期間


5. 勤務地

東北外語観光専門学校 (宮城県仙台市青葉区五橋2丁目1-13)

6. 待遇


7. 応募書類

*書式自由 (日本語版または英語版のどちらか一方で記入のこと。)

8. 応募書類提出締切日


9. 選考方法

第1次選考:書類審査 (審査終了後結果を通知します。)
第2次選考:モデル授業および面接 (書類審査後日時を連絡します。)

10. 応募書類提出先

〒980-0022 宮城県仙台市青葉区五橋2丁目1-13
東北外語観光専門学校 専門教育センター スターキー 悦子
*封筒の表に「英会話講師応募書類在中」と朱記 (応募書類は返却いたしません。)
(2)電子メールの場合 t.etsukostarkey@tohokugaigo.com


Positions Available
Full-Time English Language Instructor
Tohoku Foreign Language & Tourism College

1. Content of work

(1) The instructor will teach a maximum of 14 credit-hours per week per semester (one credit-hours is 105 minutes).
(2) The instructor will also be asked to perform various duties related to education at our institution.

2. Qualifications

(1) Candidates must speak English as their first language and must be capable of teaching English as a foreign language.
(2) It would be desirable for candidates to have obtained their bachelor’s degree.
(3) Candidates must have such proficiency in Japanese as to communicate effectively in classes if necessary and to handle daily administrative affairs.
(4) Must be currently living in Japan with a valid working visa (spousal visa also acceptable).
(5) At least 1-year teaching experience (adult/high school teaching experience preferred).
(6) Must be able to teach from September 30th, 2024.

3. Number of positions:


4. Term of employment

Until March 31, 2025(Annual contract, renewable subject to approval by screening committee.)

5. Address

2-1-13 Itsutsubashi, Aoba-ward, Sendai 980-0022 JAPAN

6. Treatment

(1) Monthly Salary: \240,000
(2) Medical Insurance: The instructor is required to join the Mutual Aid Association of Private School Personnel (Shigaku Kyosai) during the term of their employment at Gaigo. Please be advised that all instructors are required to join the Shigaku Kyosai pension scheme as well, and that fees for both the pension and health insurance plans will be deducted from the instructor’s salary each month.
(3) Unemployment insurance
(4) Visa sponsor

7. Application materials

Resume *Make sure a photo is attached to your resume.

8. Application Deadline

September 10, 2024

9. Selection process

After document screening, short-listed candidates will be interviewed and asked to give a teaching demonstration.

10. Where to make contact

Tohoku Foreign Language & Tourism College
Etsuko Starkey [Email: t.etsukostarkey@tohokugaigo.com]